
AtechnologythatprovidesascoreforSMBsbasedonAIunderwritingmodelsandbenchmarkinginsights.EmbeddedFinancePlatform ...,DataControlSoftwaredevelopssoftwareforthefinancialserviceprovider.CharmandDataControlSoftwaresharesimilarindustriesanddescriptions.,A3Ddeeplearningtechnologyforpredictingprotein/ligandco-folding,aimedatdiscoveringmedicinesforchallengingtargets.,Charm.ioisadirect-to-consumer(DTC)e-...

Charm Solutions

A technology that provides a score for SMBs based on AI underwriting models and benchmarking insights. Embedded Finance Platform ...


Data Control Software develops software for the financial service provider. Charm and Data Control Software share similar industries and descriptions.

CHARM Therapeutics

A 3D deep learning technology for predicting protein/ligand co-folding, aimed at discovering medicines for challenging targets. is a direct-to-consumer (DTC) e-commerce intelligence platform.


Charm develops an open-source coding platform, with tools to improve the visual appearance and store data, to read command markdowns while coding.

Charm Industrial

Charm Industrial may be growing as evidenced by a significant capital infusion of $100 million raised in a Series B funding round to scale up operations.